The Midwest Move
Written by Jamie Barlett
What do you think about when you picture the Midwest? Farms, fields, American flags, great food? All of those things are true and more. But one of the most important things I see is opportunity. PolyPay has opened up a second office in the city of Columbus, Ohio.
PolyPay was formed in 2014 and through these past 7 years we have built out our customer base across California and in 10 other states. During our first couple of years, we focused on businesses in San Luis Obispo. We wondered what it would be like to have customers in other states. How could we handle the fact that we would not be a local resource?
Over the remaining years that bring us to today, we carefully added customers from other states. We assured them that the distance would not be detrimental to our ability to support them, serve them and save them money. We reviewed their statements each month, made sure terminals were functioning correctly and cut costs while providing them with new offerings. We are proud to say that we have grown our partnerships, offerings and savings for our customers. We operated with honesty and transparency. We are fortunate enough to have a successful office with amazing team members in San Luis Obispo.
So, you may be asking yourself: “Columbus, Ohio?” Columbus is perfectly situated in the Midwest so we can service customers on either side of the Mississippi River. Columbus is a thriving city, with over a million residents, attracting newcomers of all ages. It is considered a city that is a perfect “test market” for restaurants and other retail and e-commerce companies.
Our goal is to dive into this city and capture as much business we can. We are able to consider servicing new business verticals that we have not before, while also pursuing business we have an expertise in, such as retail and e-commerce.
We have set down some roots in the city by joining a few chambers, networking with new friends and pushing our background and capabilities out there for all to see. The business cycle, customer approach and needs vary a bit from California but we are watching, learning and titrating our approach.
Another reason we considered Columbus is because my family on both sides are from Ohio and it is a nice feeling to have, knowing that your family is only a small road trip away. Visiting them, discussing how business has evolved and where and how I should reach out to all types of businesses has been an exercise in sharpening our approach and designing how we present ourselves here for the future.
I am humbled and grateful to know that this expansion into Columbus would not be possible without the many customers that took a chance on us in the beginning and remained with us as we expand.
Through this all, rest assured that our headquarters in San Luis Obispo will remain intact and operational, with the same awesome team that will be available to handle any questions or concerns. We will continue to pursue customers in California and other states.
No matter what state you are in, what type of business you run or what concerns you may have, please know that you can always reach out to us.
We are excited for this next chapter of PolyPay and we cannot wait to see what the future brings.